Tuesday, November 4, 2014

October Extras....

I guess these two are sitting back judging the chili!!!
Chili Cookoff 2014 with the crew of Rolling creek: AND THE WINNER ISSSSS The Maar's- Yes we made a super yummy concoction of chili that won the night!! Woohoo But still not giving this recipe out. Its gonna be our secret!!!
Sunday Funday for Kinsley and I... Mommy/daughter days are much needed. Which we did birthday shopping and stopped and got a sweet treat!!!
Our dinner date with two old friends whom we have missed. But my drink being the tasty cosmo and Jaimes being the lemon tea!! How times have changed in our 30ish age.
Love these guys: so many laughs!!!
And this is one of many of Maddys Cheese shots. She has the goofiest yet cutest smile ever.

October 31st... Happy Halloween

Maddys first year actually walking around and trick or treating, which was interesting and funny. She did not get the concept of when people opened their door, it did not mean to walk right in. Adam and I had a few good laughs and she kept saying "One more Candy peeeese"... She wore Hunters 1 year old costume: a lion!! She almost looked like him 14 years ago...  Kinsley went with her friend and brought home tons of good candy. She was a Marvel Comic character. An artist friend of ours came over and painted our faces. She did mine as a deer, which turned out perfect!!!

Made this and turned out just like the picture: amazing

Neighbors cake shots

October 2014 Fall, Pumpkins, Halloween & Festivies

Halloween means fall, which means lots of yummy food and cocktails. We enjoyed the yearly pumpkin carving with friends- Davidson/Wasmer Families. This was def fun to watch and have beers but I'm not much for one to dig out and carve a pumpkin. The artistic ones were more competitive and I honestly think next year we should have a voting session and prize. That's hard work!!